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Here are my best and awards since I emerged as a food, garden, and terroir photographer. My passion is creating content in images, developing recipes, growing food, and sharing about it all. I am currently making my first niche cookbook inspired by Québec cuisine. More to say, more to come!

ABC Organic Gardener magazine #156
March 2025 issue #156  - Cover and internal photograph page 24

What a great way to start autumn with this ABC Organic Gardener's issue

which includes my 10th cover photo for this publication! All homegrown and 100% organic, shot with natural light in the backyard, this lush autumn shot was made lin my garden with a mix of my homegrown produce and my mother in law's pumpkins grown in her garden in Batlow! The story of this composition represents the harvest of the three sisters companion crop practice introduced by the North American First Nation people. 


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #153-4
October issue #153 and December 2024 issue #154 - Cover photographs

The end of 2024 turned out very well with two ABC Organic Gardener's cover photographs in a row! Both images were shot in some Tumbarumba gardens. The cute veggie basket is from Freedom Glen Garlic Farm. The photo was an improvised shot I thought of doing while I was doing a session of the grower's garden and cottage. The stone fruits and preserves were another great organic harvest from my neighbour Linda (the same gardener from the Calendar/Diaries cover basket and issue #150 article.


ABC Organic Gardener 2025
Cover, pics and recipes in ABC Organic Gardener 2025 Calendar & Diary

For the second time, the ABC Organic Gardener team has chosen my photograph to cover the new calendars and diaries. This lush basket of produce was shot at my wonderful gardener neighbour Linda (featured in the issue #150 and website). And that is not it! There are 7 months in the calendar featuring my photographs and even more pics published in the diary, plus 2 of my yummy recipes. Amongst all the other fabulous garden photographs, illustrations and helpful gardening tips for the year, I am grateful that my work is part of such a beautifully designed product. On sale now here:


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #151
August 2024 issue #151 - Cover + photos pages 3,15,60.

Winter was not the best season to create a new cover shoot with backyard chickens. Still, the ABC Organic Gardener's magazine art director found some photographs in my library collection that made a perfect cover for the early spring issue. This beautiful basket contains a mix of my backyard chicken's eggs. They are not chocolate; they are real eggs! And bottom left is my little porcelain bantam chook named Jolie. While the 25th anniversary of the magazine is continuing, my festive produce shoot (from the 150th cover issue) was published again inside.


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #150
June 2024 issue #150 - Cover + Inspiration article page 42-51.

Autumn 2024 was busy as I was finalising a four-season garden photography project at my neighbour Linda Blencowe. Her beautiful, productive garden and contagious joy inspired me to write a story that is featured in this issue. ABC Organic Gardener was also celebrating its 25th anniversary and needed a festive cover shoot for its 150th issue. I was very pleased to be offered to do this bounty composition of cool-season produce, and the timing was perfect as I could source various produce from my garden and local gardeners I know from Tumbarumba and Batlow.


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #146
December 2023 issue #146 - Cover + Organic Harvest recipes page 58-63.

The year 2023 ended very well when ABC Organic Gardener team asked me to make a berry jam cover for the December festive issue. They came to the right place as we, the family and many growers around us produce organic berries and jams. They also published three of my recipes in this publication: a Forest Berry Jam (with mixed berries featured on the cover), a smoothie bowl and Oat Jammys.


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #145
November 2023 issue #145 - Cover + image page 34.

In late winter 2023, the ABC Organic Gardener team offered me a cover assignment of a potting bench for an early summer edition. The challenge was not only to make it look like summer... but to find some seedlings! We had a big frost that morning, could you tell? As for the potting bench, my lovely husband built me one from recycled wood from an old shed. Et voilà!


Food Photography Awards
9 Award selections in a year at Foodelia

In September 2023, I completed my first year participating at Foodelia, an international food photography competition website. Amongst such great photographers from around the world, I was selected for 9 collections. 


ABC Organic Gardener 2024 
Cover and pics inside ABC Organic Gardener 2024 Calendar & Diary

I was delighted when I was announced that ABC Organic Gardener will be using some of my photography on their new 2024 Calendar and Diary. Even more to know they were going to use my puffy garden bed shot (recycled from the issue #139 cover shoot assignment selection)! 


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #143
June 2023 issue #142 - Cover + editorial photography pages 63.

I was still on holiday in Canada when ABC Organic Gardener editor told me they were going to use one of my Millefleur chook photo on the new cover! My little Squeaky is a big star now and a photo of Minnie is also in the article. They were both hanging out on my old apple crate transformed into a veggie garden. Some extra kale was offered to them for congratulation. :) 


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #142
August 2023 issue #142 - Photography p. 70-75.

In late autumn 2023, while being overseas in Québec gathering content for my cookbook, I was invited by ABC Organic Gardener to return with a new contribution to the organic harvest section. To go with a winter-warming image cover, I was suggested to feature dishes inspired by French Canadian gastronomy and a bit about the food culture where I come from! The recipes presented are Black Truffle Poutine, Vegetarian Lumberjack Pea Soup and Berry Picker Pudding Cake. These all have been re-invented in my Australien kitchen using local and homegrown ingredients.


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #141
May 2023 issue #141 - Words, photos, recipes p. 60-67 + photos p. 78-81.

In early autumn 2023, I was offered to contribute to the organic harvest section of ABC Organic Gardener with a story and some of my recipes. The chosen article features Happy Wombat Hazelnut farm, and the recipes are the Pumpkin and Saffron Risotto and Hazelnut Chocolate Fondue. Being published in a magazine as a photographer and food writer altogether was a new step in my "Snowy Foodie" journey. On top of this, photographs of my bantam chooks are also credited in the poultry section!


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #139
February 2023 issue #139 - Cover + editorial photography pages 55 & 82.

In spring 2022, my first ABC Organic Gardener magazine cover (issue #138) was not even published and I was already offered another cover shoot assignment for the autumn action issue. The brief was to photograph a raised garden bed filled with cool-season produce... and a chook! While the weather was starting to warm up in Tumbarumba, it was a tricky one but as we are located in a cool climate zone, I managed to style something good with what I had (or could find). Styling greens and directing chickens on a patchy moving sky was quite challenging but I feel incredibly grateful for this backyard shoot experience!


ABC Organic Gardener magazine #138
December 2022 issue #138
Cover + editorial photography pag
es 5,18,20, 42,44,55, 78 to 83.

When I received a response from the ABC Organic Gardener magazine's editor to work with them, this was a great day! This is such a beautiful magazine that inspired me with everything I do with my backyard edible gardening, harvest cuisine and seasonal produce photography. I was not expecting that I'd make a cover shot and a backyard poultry article shoot on my first issue! There are a few more pics inside as well (chosen from my photo libraries) in the preserving and composting articles.


Good Organic Gardening magazine
Autumn 2023 Vol.13 no.6 - Story and photography - pages 24 to 27

In 2022, Good Organic Gardening offered me to write my story and publish it in the "Gardening Folk" section. The double spread features my gardening journey from Québec to Tumbarumba, and a selection of photos of my garden and all the creatures that live in it (meaning myself, John, Puss, the chooks and some wild birds)!


Foodelia Food Photography Competitions
First food photography award 

In September 2022, I joined Foodelia, an international food photography competition website. Amongst such great photographers worldwide, I won my first award with this baroque-style still-life composition.


Tumbarumba Vignerons Association
Photography library project

Following the 2019-20 bushfire, the Tumbarumba Vigneron Association offered to create a four-season editorial photography library to show the beauty of cool climate viticulture in the region. Assisted by my husband on the drone and second camera, this project was a collection of adventures that have certainly helped me reach a new level of experience in my photography "in the field". We would have wished to complete all growers' profiles, but it was not all up to us to direct the project, and we will be keen for more vineyard shoots anytime! 


Snowy Foodie
Food and Photography Blog by Annemarie Bolduc

In 2020, after experiencing both a bushfire disaster evacuation and a global pandemic that changed everything, I reinvented myself as a "terroir" photographer and food blogger. I did not completely retire as a graphic designer, but I followed my instincts capturing the beauty of growing produce, backyard gardening, home cooking and local eating.
Snowy Foodie samples some of my book ideas in development. Browse it on your desktop and follow me on Instagram and Facebook for updates!

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